Monday, November 26, 2012

Todays Meal

This Thanksgiving Emily took all the pictures.  She took them with her IPod.  This is her perspective of the day.  The one thing she didn't capture were the beautiful pies her and I made.  Pecan and pumpkin.  Since she was about six years old she has been making the crust for our pies and it is always delicious.   I had to coax her a little more this year.  We had to listen to top 40 which was okay because it made for a little dancing in the kitchen.  Also, the experience isn't quite as tactile for her as it used to be.  When she was little she would mix all that buttery goodness in with her clean, little hands.  Working it like the clay that she loved.  Now a days she uses the pastry blender.   Pastry bender or hands these pies turned out delicious.  These pies that I have no picture of.

What is pictured show a few traditions that have been handed down.  First is the Thanksgiving shirt.  My Dad has worn that shirt since as long as I can remember.  For the last few years one of my big boys has worn it.    The polyester shirt that depicts the harvest.  It still stays in his closet and they just put it on for the day.  Also, Ian made the mashed potatoes.  They were really tasty.  We still had the traditional cranberry sauce.   Along with lots of other good things from different households.  This meal was followed by a walk outdoors  right when the light is that reddish color and everything had a reddish tint to it.  Of course, no walk is complete without climbing a few walls and jumping off especially when your mom says no and your grandpa is cheering you on.    


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