Batter Up! |
Watching the ball as it flies out into the diamond! |
Ready for the next batter! |
Foul Ball! Eli is ready to catch it. |
There's Buster up at bat. |
Swing and it's a hit! | |
Way to go teams!
Whether batting or catching, Eli plays baseball with conviction. He watches every move made out there and is ready. As catcher he is often ready to yell out in a gruff voice where the play is. "Plays on first. Runner on second. Batter up!" Makes me laugh out loud. He loves to play pickle as a runner and catch them as catcher.
A few days this week he came home with tears in his eyes, not even came home but out of the dugout. He thought they could have done better. Then when they do well he is flying high. They're heading into the playoffs. They have had a great season with a great coach. After every game they gather in the dugout to give accolades to one another and the coaches. Their hands fly up and they jump up and down wanting to be called on. They all have so many compliments to say. This season they have learned about teamwork, strategies, kindness and compassion. They are all winners!
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