Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer Smattering

Every summer I want to go to far away places, see exotic lands, learn new languages, conquer new vistas.  Then I get real and look into my pocket book and realize what we can do.  Stop and savor the season.  A little of this and a bit of that.  I could spend all day planting flowers but I wanted to mix it up.  Buy new earrings that are bigger than ever worn.  Navy blue earrings to go with a crisp navy blue skirt.  A pedicure.  A stop on a busy day of errands when Emily's plans had fallen through and I thought she needed a little cheering up.   I got blue and she pink.  A cheery pink with small rhinestones.  Yummy, fresh watermelon topped with a flower.     

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pirate Paint

After patching up his favorite pirate type pants Eli went out to the garden to do  a little painting.  I bought him some new paints and canvases.  He sketched out the guy he wanted to paint then drew it on canvas with a pencil.  Broke out the new paints and painted him.  He might redo the background or keep it the way it is.  I think it looks cool in that dappled light. 
We are reading a really funny book called The Pirate's Mixed-Up Voyage by Margaret Mahy.  I just pulled it off the shelf at the library and we are finding it quite hilarious.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Peach Pie

Many hands make pie!  We just made our first summer fruit pie.  Yum, yum!!!!!!  We had to wait a few days since we first had the idea to let the fruit ripen.  Then we mixed it up a little.  Emily cut up the fruit and Eli made the crust.

Emily has been in charge of the crust since she was about five but for this pie she wanted to try something new.  That is really a nice way of saying she refused to do it in that way that only thirteen year olds can do.  Or at least I'm hoping that that style is unique to thirteen.

So, Eli jumped right in in his true ninja style.  Faster than a ninja he rolled out that crust then slowed down a bit to get it just right.  We added a few bleberries to it.  No sugar.  We've gotten used to making fruit pies sans the sugar.  Usually that works with fruit and is fine with whipped cream or ice cream.  I think this pie could have used a spot of some kind of sweetner.  We brought to Grandma and Grandpa's house and they would have preferred it a bit sweeter. 

The thing about not too much sugar is then you can feel okay when you say, "Pie for breakfast!"  

Monday, July 23, 2012

Goat Farm

On our way over the hill the other day we took the long way around.  To get out in the country and see something a little different.  The blue ocean on one side and the green hills on the other.  Then we wound our way up and up through the redwoods, through Neil Young country and out on the other side.  I wanted to get out of cell range which we did.   We stopped at Harley Farms to look at their goats and taste their delicious cheese.  They have lots of samples that you can try in their hundred year old barn.  Of course we had to take a smattering home.  Besides the goats they also have a beautiful edible flower garden.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reading Zone

The summer reading program has kicked in here.  I got out lots of books from different libraries.  There was a moment in the house today where it was quiet and when I walked into each room they were reading.  Caught up in a world somewhere else.  Can't beat a bowl of fresh cherries and a good book.  And a whole shelf more to choose from.   Reading.  I love that kind of quiet concentration it proides that fills the house.  There is no booming music, no ball being bounced.   Quite a lovely sound!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Grandpa can name all these peaks.  This picture was taken on a backpacking trip in Yosemite.
We brought a carrot cake from our favorite local bakery.
We helped Grandma plant some new containers.
They look so lovely!

When we got back from camping we went to celebrate Grandpa's birthday with him.  It was good to see him and celebrate his day with him.  Good food and lots of laughs.  I brought him a copy of Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver.  I love her imagery and how it invokes the outdoors of which Grandpa loves.   We also got to help Grandma with some planting in her front yard.  We planted different kinds of lettuce and a variety of herbs.  It will be nice for them to be able to pick some fresh produce.  Happy Birthday Grandpa!