Thursday, December 29, 2011

We took a trip to the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco.  It was a foggy day in the city so we bundled up and enjoyed the quiet serenity of the garden.  The crowds didn't deter from that.  I think my favorite part was the racked gravel garden that resembled waves in a lake or the ocean.  I don't think I had been there since I was a teenager.  Nate had never been there.  Just to note he was studying Japanese in the car on the way up.  I let Eli have free reign with the camera and this is the garden from his perspective.  I love seeing what he sees.   We then traveled to Chinatown in the city where we took in all the sights and sounds.  Emily found a bargain on a doily to hang up her earrings like Emma.  Then on to  a night at Ian's and a visit with our aunt and uncle.  A good little getaway.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Presents Handmade

Here are some pictures of a few of the handmade gifts we exchanged this year.  I love all the work that goes on behind closed doors.  Emily made this lovely lavender lotion for me and lip balm.  I came home from running errands the other day and the kitchen sink had an oily shine and smelled of luscious lavender.  She made journals for her brothers.  She also made candles and a hat.  Eli gave stars to some relatives to hang in the window.  He also did a few collages, put them in frames we had around and had them wrapped and ready to go stored under his desk.  I made cozy pajama pants for everybody.   I got wonderful poems and a photo album.  Also, we got our delicious jam and plum butter.  All that thoughtfulness makes giving a little sweeter.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Eli's View

In the all the excitement Eli decided he wanted to take a few pictures of his own.  From his perspective.  I love these.  He put a lot of effort into his note to Santa.  Not really asking for anything but just "no chocolate please."  Santa obliged.  Then he wanted it to look really authentic so he took it in the backyard and torched the edges a little  He also used a very fancy script which I'm not sure where he got it.  Santa even got hot chocolate this year with a candy cane.  Eli left one off the tree just for that purpose.   There was a lot of magic a foot.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kitchen Salon

Eli really needed a haircut.  As much as I liked his long hair he wanted it cut and Grandma definitely prefers it a little shorter.  I called my friend who always does our hair but she was booked so I thought the next best thing would be a trim by your brother.  And she said, if need be, she could squeeze us in to her packed schedule at the shop to rectify it.  But we didn't need that.  It turned out fine.  I trimmed a few stray hairs the next day but it looked great.  Just what Eli wanted.  Bangs but not Bieber bangs.  Sort of longer in the back but not quite a mullet.  And I must say both the hairstylist and recipient look
quite proud.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Treats Galore

Today a friend came over and we baked and baked. So there would be enough for gifts for teachers and cousins.  We made my traditional gingerbread.  I usually use the recipe from Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett but couldn't seem to find it so this year I used the recipe from maya*made.  I also decorate these with the daycare so they have some to take home.  I made Nate's favorite nut bars from my mom's recipe so there would be a fresh batch when Nate comes home tomorrow.  We also made alfajores with this delicious dulce de leche in the middle.  The tassies on the bottom are just that ..... tassies.  Delicious with a flour and cream cheese crust.  I also made a chocolate variety. 
Yum, yum. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Advent Simplify

I was reading Maya*made a while ago and saw the idea for making an advent calendar with things to do to celebrate the season.  We didn't replace our regular advent calendar but definitely added to it.  Inside each of these pieces of paper is a little note telling us what to do that day.  I have loved how these simple things make us sit right down and be together.  And I made them simple and strategically put them on days that we could manage them.  However, when Emily opened up "make ornaments" it threw me off a bit because I had forgotten about that one. I was determined to use things we had.  Eli got a cardboard box and made a decorated tree.  Emily and I made some Jingle Bell Flowers out of egg cartons.  We worked on all the steps together.  It took a while to hang them just right but we did.  I'll be sure to add a picture of them.  The directions are from The Crafty Crow.    
   Also, on the list was to make gingerbread houses.  They didn't want to make a beautiful house at the craft fair so we had these instead.  They  also brought a lot of excitement.  I think our best addition this year was the color coated sunflower seeds.